Attention: Would-be E-Book Authors & Marketers...
What's stopping you from finishing your e-book or making it a success? Take this 3-minute quiz and see if you are unknowingly experiencing self sabotage:
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If you want to end self sabotage forever – and get your e-book finally done and finally out there selling, then you might be ready for this amazing $29.95 life-changing solution---
What's Stopping You?
How to End Self Sabotage
(for Aspiring E-Book Authors)
by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Larina Kase

Finally - How to overcome the mental barriers and
subconscious self sabotage that is holding you back from
creating and marketing the e-book that is sitting inside of you
(or on your computer) just waiting to get out and make you money! Attention First Time
eBook Entrepreneurs...
Close your eyes and imagine your very first ebook being delivered into the inbox of 11 new customers the very first day you release it.
It's not the easiest money you've ever made, but you've finally gotten the ball rolling.
Sales continue to roll in week after week for writing this ebook JUST ONE TIME, and now you know why the smart movers and shakers have dozens of these things in their arsenal.
A couple of months go by and you are now on your way to your 2nd, 3rd, even 4th ebook, and you have dozens more outlined in your ideas folder, and you ask yourself every day --
"Why in the world did I let those little 'e-book mental roadblocks' hold me back for so long from making this happen?"
Open your eyes now, because you just stepped into my reality. I'm Dr. Joe Vitale, the author of more ebooks than I can remember, and let me tell you a story...
** A Message from the E-Desk of Dr. Joe Vitale **
Dear Friend,
I'm known for many of my best-selling e-books, from Hypnotic Writing to the recent mega-course, Hypnotic Selling Secrets (link to ) I also have numerous published books, audioprograms, and much more.
But most people don't know that I began as an Internet skeptic.
I didn't think you could make money selling ebooks, for example.
An e-book?
What's that?
Why would anyone buy a text file to read on their computer?
It made no sense to me.
I resisted taking action for two years – Years! Talk about self sabotage! – but when I finally put my first ebook online, I tasted blood.
I had over 600 sales overnight for a $29.95 product.
And keep in mind that since this was an ebook, there were no shipping, or printing, or warehousing of books.
That was 600 orders times $29.95 which meant $17,970 overnight .
Can you imagine?
I couldn't stop smiling for a week.
From that point on I became an e-book writing maniac. I have now written so many ebooks that I've lost count. And I'm still writing them. This letter will tell you about my newest one – one that can help you with your own ebook (or any othger goal you haven't achieved yet).
But first, let me set the stage…
Why Aren't You Using the Information You Have?
Besides my own ebooks, I've been teaching people how to write their own e-books for over five years now. I have dozens of my own e-books out there. They've helped me to live a wonderful and luxurious lifestyle. I want to help others achieve the same degree of success, or even better, than me. So here's some of what I and others have done to help people so far:
Jim Edwards and I have our famous e-book at which reveals how to write your own e-book --- in only 7 days.
Now, with all of that information out there, how many people actually use it?
Go ahead. Take a guess.
Give up?
Answer: Only a handful.
Only a tiny sliver of a percentage actually use the material I and others provide to write their own e-book or to complete any other projects.
Why is that?
It used to irritate me that people would buy my material and then not use it. Others were using it and writing e-books and achieving results. Why wasn't everybody using it? The secrets were there. The how-to was there.
Why weren't people taking action?
Now I know the reason.
The Reason Your E-Book Is Still Sitting
It's because of self-sabotage.
The truth is, if you want to achieve something and are trying and failing, or not trying at all, it's because of the person in your mirror: You.
Yes, I know that's hard to swallow. But the only person running your life is you.
The fact is, for a wide variety of reasons, we often stop ourselves from achieving the very thing we say we want. It all happens inside ourselves; in our own mind. And often it happens without our conscious awareness.
I'm no different, of course. I'm human, too. I had to wrestle with the inner demons that told me I couldn't do something. I had to get clear inside myself so I can now have, do, or be whatever I say I want. It took me two years to even test selling an ebook. (Sometimes I'm not too bright.)
Today, of course, I'm the author of over two dozen books, audio and DVD products, software, home study courses, and much more. I live in a beautiful country estate, and have the cars, love, health and happiness I want. And I recently lost over 60 pounds, trained with world-famous body builder Frank Zane, and am even building my own gym right here on my property. Life is good.
But I had to get past self sabotage to get here.
The Missing Step
Self sabotage is part of the human experience.
Until you break free of it, it will keep you down.
In many of my books, such as Spiritual Marketing and the forthcoming The Attractor Factor , I say that you must “get clear” in order to achieve success. Getting clear is another way of removing the sabotage within yourself. When you don't stop your own efforts, you'll increase your odds of your own success. You are clear for success.
I think getting clear is the missing step in the formula for achieving whatever you want, whether that means writing an e-book, finding true love, or losing weight. You can do all the affirmations and visualizations you want, but unless you are clear of any sabotage tendencies within yourself, you will not achieve what you say you want.
I didn't know any consistent ways to help people with this part of the success equation until I met Dr. Larina Kase.
She Knows A Solution For You
Larina is a cognitive therapist. She's a real delight, too. She's young, smart, upbeat, and successful. After a few minutes of talking to her, I knew she could help me remove the last stumbling block to helping people achieve success with their own e-book.
Larina once told me, “Self sabotage interferes with the translation of knowledge into action. There is so much great information out there and we often know what we need to do to be successful. But we still don't do it. Millions of people know what they need to do to lose weight (eat less and burn more calories), but few are successful in their weight loss efforts.
“Many e-book writers know how to create a fantastic product (from resources like How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook… in as Little as 7 Days ) and they really want to write their e-book, but they still do not do it. Self sabotage saps motivation and blocks the transfer of ideas into action.”
She went on to explain, “Basically, if you have not accomplished everything in life that you set out to do, then self sabotage is probably to blame. It is not your fault -- unless you choose not to conquer it.”
Announcing – What's Stopping You?
After hearing her explain that self sabotage is actually very common, and that it could be cured, I knew we should work on a project together. We did, too.
The result is the new e-book, “What's Stopping You? How to End Self Sabotage For Aspiring E-Book Authors.” This book will help you understand your own mind.
It will help you remove the final barriers to your own success.
It will help you achieve, finally , the results you seek.
Read it, use it, and enjoy the fruits of your passion – not just in the world of e-books, but in all areas of your life.
Because when you remove the inner blocks, the world is your oyster.
But don't take my word for it that it is what you need. Let me step away for a moment and bring in the evidence:
The Proof You Need
"What's Stopping You? - How To End Self-Sabotage" blew me away! Dr. Joe Vitate and Dr. Larina Kase have hit the nail right on the head! Over and over again I have told my clients, "It is not enough to know what to do – you must do what you know". The reason most people don't do what they know (take action) is because of self- sabotage.
Every potential e-book author MUST read this book. For that matter, EVERYONE can benefit from this book because it addresses the number one problem we all face. Get this book. APPLY the easy steps to end self-sabotage and thank me later!"
– Dr. Robert Anthony, |
"Self-sabotage is not a disease, a family curse, or an unchangeable condition. Self-sabotage is a series of habits -- and you can change habits. In this book, Drs. Joe Vitale and Larina Kase show you exactly what to do so you can replace self-sabotage with success.
This book outlines a practical plan, and it is ingenious in its simplicity. I know the great techniques and methods you'll learn work like gangbusters, because I've used them myself to get past old challenges and move on to greater levels of productivity and personal fulfillment."
-- David Garfinkel, Founder, World Copywriting Institute |
“What's Stopping You? is a definite must-have tool to uncover and correct any author's self-sabotaging traits. I expect to see many ideas finally developed, half-written works completed, and new authors hit the ebook circuit as a result of your release! Food for the mind - a true inspiration!”
-- Laura Childs,
Your Guarantee
Yes, “What's Stopping You?” is fully guaranteed.
Get the book (You can download it within minutes as a PDF file), read it (it's about 130 pages), do the exercises (they're easy), and take action.
If you aren't happy, you can ask for a refund within 8 weeks of purchase.
That's 2 months to check it out!
Obviously, you have nothing to risk.
Your Surprise Bonuses
Yes, you'll get some surprise bonuses with the e-book.
I won't tell you what they are, because I think the e-book alone is enough. But rest assured, we've added some goodies to make you smile.
What are they?
Get the e-book and see!
Your Choice

So, what will it be?
Will you order the book right now or will you wait?
And if you wait, isn't that a form of self sabotage?
Aren't you delaying the very thing you say you want?
I suggest you face your fears – like I had to do – and take the leap.
Now is the time.
Go for it!

Dr. Joe Vitale
President, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.
Author of way too many books to list here
PS – I'll be blunt. If you don't get this e-book right now, and you fully know you want to be an e-book author making good money from your work, then isn't your delay and avoidance a perfect sign of self sabotage? Think about it. After all, with the price so low, the guarantee so strong, and the promise that this material can help you in all areas of your life, why in the world wouldn't you get this e-book right now? Don't let self sabotage stop you. You know what to do. Click Here to Order Now
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